
28. septembar / 20:00 JUGOSLOVENSKO DRAMSKO POZORIŠTE SCENA „LJUBA TADIĆ“ Trajanje: Ih 45’ (bez pauze)

September 28 th / 20:00 YUGOSLAV DRAMA THEATRE LJUBA TADIC STAGE Running time: 1h 45’ (without interval)

SCENOGRAFIJA / STAGE DESIGN: Paula Wellmann KOSTIM / COSTUME: Josa Marx MUZIKA / MUSIC: Max Andrejewski DRAMATURGIJA / DRAMATURGY: Matthias Günther UČESTVUJU / PERFORMED BY: Pascal Houdus, Marie Locker, Thomas Niehaus, Marina Galic, Steffen Siegmund, Tilo Werner, Sebastian Zimmer FOTOGRAFIJE / PHOTOGRAPHY: Armin Smailović

REČ SELEKTORA Mladi berlinski reditelj Érsan Mondtag, poreklom iz turske zajednice, jedna je od vodečih zvezda u usponu pozorišta nemačkog govornog područja. Na Bitefu če biti prikazane dve Mondtagove predstave, čime njegov rad dobija ono što dosada nije imao u večoj meri - najširu medunarodnu vidljivost - dok festival obnavlja i učvrščuje svoju izvornu ulogu spajanja kultura i promovisanja najinventivnijih svetskih umetnika. Predstava u produkciji čuvenog Talijateatra iz Hamburga zasnovana je na epskom materijalu, romanu Sneg turskog nobelovca Orhana Pamuka. Njegov istovremeno glavni junak i narator, kojeg još zovu Ka (jasna aluzija na junaka Procesa ), kreče na „epsko“ putovanje u zavičaj, vrača se iz Nemačke u Tursku, gde če postati učesnik i svedok oniričnog kolopleta dramatičnih, kafkijanskih dogadaja u kojima se, na više ravni, prelama sukob izmedu islamističke i sekularne Turske. Od ove grade reditelj pravi ironično političko pozorište, s elementima treš poetike, koje se duhovito poigrava prepoznatljivim elementima turske kulture, u rasponu od derviških plesova do arhitekture parnih kupatila. O PREDSTAVI U nameri da napiše reportažu o samoubistvima zabradenih mladih žena, pesnik Ka se vrača u grad Kars na istoku Anatolije, posle dvanaest godina izgnanstva u Nemačkoj. Sneg koji neprekidno pada tri dana, u potpunosti odseca grad od ostatka sveta, Na

CURATORS’ WORD Ersan Mondtag, a young Berlin director of Turkish origin, is one of the rising stars in the German-speaking theatre, Bitef will show two of his productions, thus offering him what he has not always had before; the broadest possible international visibility, whilst the festival itself will renew and strengthen its original role of bringing together cultures and promoting the most inventive artists in the world. The performance produced by the celebrated Thalia Theater in Hamburg is based on epic material, the novel Snow by the Turkish Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk. His lead character and narrator, called Ka (a clear allusion to the main character in The Trial ) sets off on an “epic trip” to his fatherland, from Germany to Turkey, where he becomes a participant in and a witness to an oneiric web of dramatic, Kafkian events reflecting, at multiple levels, the conflict between the Islamist and secular Turkey. Mondtag uses this material to create an ironic political theatre with elements of trash poetics, cleverly toying with recognisable elements of the Turkish culture, from Dervish dances to the hammam architecture. ABOUT THE PRODUCTION In order to write a report on the suicides of young women wearing headscarfs, the poet Ka travels back to the eastern Anatolian town Kars after twelve years of exile in Germany. For three days, it snows non-stop in the town, cutting it off from the outside world. Mu-