
gradskim izborima očekuje se pobeda islamističkog kandidata. U jednom pozorištu dolazi do svađe tokom izvođenja didaktičkog komada iz doba Ataturka, kojim se proklamuje skidanje velova. Mogu li žene biti naterane na taj potez? Šta nosi vécu težinu: razumna odluka sekularne države ili pravo pojedinca da javno iskazuje svoja verska übedenja? Situacija eskalira kada pripadnici sumnjive vojne organizacije zauzmu pozorniču tokom predstave i, pod vodstvom glumca Sunaja Zaima, pretvaraju se da spasavaju državu od islamista. Pesnik Ka pokušava da razotkrije političku zaveru, ali biva upleten u sukob izmedu turskih i kurdskih nacionalista, izmedu vojske i islamskih fundamentalista. Za reditelja Ersana Mondtaga, roman Sneg Orhana Pamuka predstavlja snažno i aktuelno delo. Ovim delom. napisanim pre 11. septembra 2001, Pamuk je imao nameru da putem grada Karsa prikaže stanje u čitavoj Turskoj. Posle napada na Svetski trgovinski Centar, Pamuk je shvatio da su problemi Turske problemi sveta. Danas Pamuk apeluje na Zapad: „Molim vas da pravite razliku izmedu islamskog sveta i političkog islama! Molim vas da pravite razliku izmedu političkog islama i radikalnih fundamentalista! Napadi kakav je onaj koji je izvršen na redakciju lista Šarli ebdo pokreču emocije koje brisu te razlike. A to je užasno!"

nicipal elections are in progress, marking the victory of the Islamic doctrine. On a theater stage, a quarrel arises during the performance of a didactic play from the AtaTCirk era, which condemns the headscarves. Can a woman be forced to take off the headscarf? What weighs more: the reason of a secular state or the personal freedom to exercise religion? The situation escalates as members of an obscure military organization take up the stage during the performance and, led by the actor Sunay Zaim, pretend to have to save the state from the Islamists. The poet Ka undertakes the attempt to uncover the political conspiracy, but gets entangled in the struggle between Turkish and Kurdish nationalists, the army and Islamic fundamentalists. For director Ersan Mondtag, Orhan Pamuk's Snow is highly explosive and up-to-date. With his novel, written before September 11, 2001, Pamuk wanted to represent the entire Turkey through the small town of Kars. After the attack on the World Trade Center, Pamuk began to understand that the problems of Turkey were the problems of the world. Today. Pamuk appeals: “Please make the difference between Islamic society and political Islam! Please make the difference between political Islam and radical fundamentalists! After the attacks such as the one made against Charlie Hebdo, emotions blur the differences. And that is awful!" THE AUTHORS ORHAN PAMUK was born in Istanbul in 1952. His books have been translated into 63 languages, including Georgian, Serbian, Malayan, Czech, Danish, Japanese, Catalan, as well as English. German and French. Pamuk has been awarded The Peace Prize, considered the most prestigious award in Germany in the field of culture, in 2005. In the same year, Snow received the Le Prix Médicis étranger, the award for the best foreign novel in France. Again in 2005, Pamuk was honoured with the Richarda Huck Prize, awarded every three years since 1978 to personalities who “think independently and act bravely”. In the same year, he was named among world’s 100 intellectuals by Prospect magazine. In 2006, TIME magazine chose him as one of the 100 most influential persons of the world. In September 2005, he won the Le Prix Méditerranée étranger for his novel Snow. Pamuk is an