
Sat između noći i dana. Sat s boka na bok. Sat za tridesetgodišnjake. Željeni sat uz pevanje petlova. Sat kada nas se zemlja odriče. Sat kada duva s ugaslih zvezda. Sat, a-zar-posle-nas-ništa-neče-ostati. Prazan, Gluh, tašt sat. Dno svih drugih sati. Nikom nije dobro u četiri ujutru. Ako je mravima dobro u četiri ujutru - čestitamo mravima. I neka dođe peti sat, ukoliko treba dalje živeti, /Vislava Šimborska/ SELMA SPAHIĆ rođena je 1986. godine. Diplomirala je režiju'na Akademiji scenskih umetnosti u Sarajevu, izmedu ostalih, potpisuje sledeče predstave: Hipermnezija (Heartefact / BITEF, Srbija), Grebanje Hi Kako se übila moja baka (BNP ZE / Heartefact, BiH / Srbija), Žene koje čiste (CNP Podgorica, Črna Gora), Tajna džema od malina (SARTR / MESS, BiH), Skupština (Narodno pozorište, Sarajevo / Kamerni teatar ’55 / SARTR, BiH), Kokoš (MESS / ZeKaeM / BITEF, BiH / Hrvats-

tence bathed in fine irony. The encounter between the director Selma Spahić and Wislawa Szymborska is a rewarding one because it resembles a reunion of two old soul mates. The director skilfully stages the poetic narrative and provides it with a framework. With acting, she empowers poetry to show the ineffable. It takes the characters back to the world of the primeval beginning where they re-establish the contact with themselves and others. Selma Spahić’s production of 4 in the Morning is hors d'oeuvre woven from Szymborska’s poetry itself, and it is both fascinating and terrible.” Lidija Vukčevič, Vijesti The hour from night to day. The hour from side to side. The hour for those past thirty. The hour swept clean to the crowing of cocks. The hour when earth betrays us. The hour when wind blows from extinguished stars. The hour of and-what-if-nothing-remains-after-us. The hollow hour. Blank, empty. The very pit of ail other hours. No one feels good at four in the morning. If ants feel good at four in the morning - three cheers for the ants. And let five o’clock come. If we’re to go on living, /Wislawa Szymborska/ SELMA SPAHIĆ (1986), theatre director, graduated from the University of Sarajevo, Academy of Performing Arts. Some of the performances that she has signed her name to are Hypermnesia (Heartefact/ Bitef, Serbia), Scratching or How My Grandma Killed Herself (BNP ZE/Heartefact, B-H/Serbia), Cleaning Ladies (CNP Podgorica, Montenegro), The Secret of Raspberry Jam (SARTR/MESS, B-H), The Assembly (National Theatre Sarajevo/Chamber Theatre 55/ SARTR, B-H), The Chicken (MESS/ZeKaeM /BITEF, B-H/Croatia/Serbia), Liliom (SNG Drama Ljubljana, Slovenia), 1981 (SNG Drama Maribor, Slovenia), The Master and Margarita (HNK Ivana pi. Zajca Rijeka, Cro-