Златиборски правнички дани
Златибор 2011 Социјална права и европске интеграције
на и када се ради о нашој земљи, услед проблема које на раду доносе транзиција, криза, социјално раслојавање и друге неповољне социјално-економске околности.
Protection of health and safety at work is a very important aspect of human right to a healthy environment. Today, protection of the healthy working environment can not be partial, but integral. The employer shall have a duty to ensure the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to the work. The most important elements of the healthy working environment are: protection against physical and chemical risks at the workplace (prevention of occupational inJuries and diseases), ensuring of adequate working conditions (concept of ‘decent work’) and protection from dangerous psycho-social influences at work (work-related stress, violence, harassment, mobbing, discrimination).