Радно и социјално право

Д. Јеринић: Престанак радног односа по сили закона 113

Mr Dragoslav Jerinic Federal Government



Labour legislation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia perscribes five reasons for cessation of employment independent of the will of an employee and of that of the employer (by force of the law).The usual cases and those in the Comparative law are concerned here. The legal solutions regulating the forms, conditions and other questions important for cessation of employment by force of the law are not and can not be quite perfect and developed in details. There is no a more concrete regulation, at least now, or there is not enough even there where it naturally could be espected at least to some extent: in collective agreements and general enactments of an employer. Sometimes such situation couses certain difficulties and also certain dilemmas in appliance of the legal solutions offered. The position of the competent laws as well as the opinion of the Ministry for Labour help to decrease the number of unanswered and contestable questions. In the course of further reforms of our labour legislation should be carried out certain improvements even of those legal solutions which regulate forms of cessation of employment by force of law.