Радно и социјално право

Мр Слободанка Ковачевић-Перић, Допринос пристојног рада, Радно и социјално право, стр. 13-30, ХУ (1/2011)

Promoting decent work for all -The EU contribution to the implementation of the decent work agenda in the world (SEC /2006/ 643), Official Journal C 93, 27/04/2007, p. 38 - 41.

Стратегија Европске уније о здрављу и сигурности на раду, доступна VMutepuer: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=151&landId=en (2011)

Шундерић, Б, Социјално право, Правни факултет у Београду, Београд, 2009.

„ободапка Коуасеуте-Ретс, ТЕМ, Аззтапг Гаститет Faculty of Law in Pristina, temporarily seated in Kosovska Mitrovica



The notion and concept of the decent work implies majority of international standards, including all the basic ones; in essence, decent work compiles working standards enveloped in one overall layer — the decency of work. This Paper presents the concept of decent work as a particular quality of work. The contribution of the concept of decent work is that the overall quality of work is significantly raised, in terms of working conditions, working relations and the totality of working engagement, with the application of wide range of international working standards. Decent work integrates international working standards and basic human rights (fundamental principles and basic rights). in that sense, the author is prone to the idea that the paradigm of decent work and its promotion at a national level are a condition for human relations involved in the culture of work and building of a new “healthy” industrial democracy. Based on that, follows the discussion about the EU integration, since the EU standards are much more than just legal harmonization; the EU principles represent specific culture of living, mentality of work, dignity of human rights and freedoms, the awareness about obligations, specific integration, uniqueness of difference, etc.

The aim of work is to point out to important features of decent work, its contribution to social justice and social peace, without which in any country there would not be social cohesion, neither at a regional, nor international level. Applying the standard of decent work is therefore not only economic, but also a political goal.

Key words: decent work, international working standards, range of decent work, social cohesion, social justice, decent work for all in the EU.