РТВ Теорија и пракса

Social Behavior, Vol. I; Media Content and Control, Vašington, D.C., United States Government Printing Office. Goldsen, R.K. (1977), The Show and Tell Machine: How Television Works and Works You Over , Njujork, Dial Press. Lazaarsfeld, P.E. and F.Stanton (1944), Radio Research 1942-43, Njujork, Duell, Sloan and Pearce. Stedman, R.W. (1977), The Serials: Suspense and Drama Stedman, R.W. (1977), The Serials: Suspense and Drama by Installments (2nd ed.), Norman, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press. Thurber, J. (1948), The Beast and Me and other Animals (abrege), Njujork, Avon Book Division, Hearst Corporation. Weibel, K. (1977), Mirror Mirror: Images of Women Reflected in Popular Culture, Njujork, Anchor Books, Anchor Press/Double-day. Etudes de radio-television, RT Belge, januar 1980. Prevela s francuskog

Dušanka Točanac