A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

ma FF Re Ee Fra CE; bumble refignation of themfelves to the divine love, im order to a regeneration of their wills, which is not effected but by flaying this oppofite will in which ftands the enmity, in‘ order to know a new life generated ; and as long as truth and error, light and darknefs, are in this world, fo long muft and will this warfare be continued ; happy is he that goes off a conqueror, for his crown is fure'to him. And as the world by wildom knew not God, fo has it fared Hikewife in refpect to the enquiries made concerning nature. From hence it is the apoftle Paul gives a caution to the Coloffians, to ‘* beware left any man fhould «© fpoil them thro’ philofophy and vain <¢ deceit, after the traditions of men, af«ter the rudiments of this world, and «* not after Chrift,” Col. ii. 8.

An empty and vain, philofophy has been introduced and kept up in the world, by men of. corrupt minds eftranged from God, and therefore ignorant of nature ; for it is as impofhble
