A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The EprTor tothe READER. xt

«© Chrift, are many manfions ;” this is true of his houfe of grace here below ; as well as that of glory above: And is according to the progrefs we make by faith, love and obedience.

Let every chriftien them fay of his prefent ftate, This is my prefent manfion, my prefent heaven; Here it pleafes God to receive me, thus he difpenfes himfelf towards me, here I will give him thanks, and will wait, until I ean, by the affiftance of his grace, proceed higher: and if another comes and {peaks of things beyond my prefent ecmprehenfion and experience, I will not judge his, nor any man’s light, and hiberty in my Lord; being convinced of this, that as Chrift in the flefh came to his own, and his own received: him not, foalfoit may be, in his coming in the Spirzt.

Inftead of cenfaring and judging what you do not yet underftand, be faithful to: that which you already know, and anfwer your prefent light with a fuitable

a6 life