A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

xii The Eprror to the READER.

life; fo fhall you grow up, not only into all the needful difcoveries and truths, which are in the {criptures, and all other fpiritual books, but into him alfo in all things who is the head. Have you received any one ray, any one glimpfe of fpiritual light into your foul, watch it, cherifh it, walk according to the direCtion, and leading of it; and this beam fhall quickly grow up into a glorious day in thy {pirit. « For the path of the juft is as the ‘< fhining light that fhineth more and «¢ more unto the perfect day.”

You may poffible meet with fome things altogether different from fome of your moft beloved fentiments, for our authors intended to exprefs their own experiences, and illuminations, and not to guefs at your opinions. In that cafe do not ferget that modefty and fobriety of mind, that moderation, allowance, and refpect, which not only charity, but reafon, and our own intere{t oblige us always to exprefs towards
