A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
56 Confiderations on the Scope
As we fee fire fleeping in a flint, awakened by a ftroke; fo doth the tone, or found, ftart up and difperfe itfelf, fo far as its vigour conquers the refiftance of contrary motions for folids, and then expires. As the life lies in a {woon in vegetables until revived by the fpring, or as odours lie couched in dead earth until midwifed by the fun through the ftalks of flowers : So the varieties of infinity remain fecret and dumb, as in the myftery, until this oratory publifhes, until this herald proclaim it, who by its continual motion fpeaks all and fhows all. The reprefenter of this fixth fountain {pirit is in the out‘birth Mercurius.
Demonftration of the feventh fpirit, being the body generated out of the other fix fountain fpirits.
F a mighty prince in regulating a world of laborious fubjects, affifted by a council of men experienced in exquifite art, wanting neither time or other requifite to accom-