A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
Of Jacos BrnMen’s Writings. 57
accomplifh fome ftupendous ftructure, or vaft piece of magnificence, fhould after all be able to accomplifh only trifles, would it not be ftrange? For what could not mens prudence, ferved with the confluence of abundance of willing agents, fufficient helps, and competent time, atchieve, acquire, and bring to effect.
And fee we not what the fix over-flowing fountain fpirits (ranged by Omnipotence, conducted by infinite Wifdom, exercifing from eternity their irrefiftible powers) have conceived, travelled with, brought forth and improved, as the holy One has willed.
And can any doubt that they who have ferved to found and lay the topftone of infinite numbewof fabricksin the aftral, elementary and terreflrial worlds, fhould be unfurnifhed with a royal palace for themfelves? This feven,fountain fpirit is their body, manfion and fabbath, the eterna} reft, eternally generated. In this they work their hallowed wonders, in this they planted a feed or fperm, whereon the Holy Ghoft brooded, and in fix days hatched the generation of the heavens and earth, with their
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