A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

82 Confiderations on the Scope

principle, and virtue of the fecond in fome meafure or other, for if in any part there was nothing of the firft principle, there could be ne being but a nullicy 3 and if in any part were nothing of the fecond, there were only death and hell manifeft.

Now forafmuch as in fome places and things the firft fwallows up the fecond, the wrath and curfe feems only to be there, and in other parts or things the fecond or fweet property of the life is prevalent, there rifes a life, for his light is the life of men.

2d demonftration of the third principle.

But in fome alfo the love in the light fwallows up the firft principle: And there is a twofold birth, an inward and an outward. The inward is divine, heavenly, holy in an external excellency, as in the new-birth or regeneration; but it extends not,to tidcture the outward man, becaufe the curfe fubjected it to wrath and corruption, The Lord Jefus Chrift brake the bands ; for it was not poffible he fhould be Holden of them, though the weight of the whole world lay on him.
