A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos Benmen’s /ritings. 83

What the heavenly humanity is and does,

Becaufe his heavenly humanity did not only unite itfelf to the mortal flefh of the virgin Mary ; which heavenly humanity, was the Holy Thing begotten of the Holy Ghoft, the pure virgin of modefty, virgin Sophia, the Firft-born of every creature, the Heir of all things, the Lamb flain from the foundation of the world, the Word that was made flefh. But the fame divine Man, which both came from heaven into, or in the virgin’s womb ; but alfo then was, and is in heaven, this very fame Word united itfelf to the fecond Perfon, the Almighty Son of the Almighty God. Thus was it that this Saviour and Mediator our Immanuel, is the mighty One on whom help was laid; for in him the three principles fhew themfelves in their feveral in- , comprehenfible fountains.

3d demonftration of the third principle.

The love in the light can alfo tincture the outward man in the third principle; and the outward man may, by the preffing of the inward into, and through ic with

Hi«4 power,