A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

84 Confiderations on the Scope

power, put off its old garment of {icknefs and infirmity, and be cloathed with the new robe. A glimpfe whereof is fen in the faces of Moles and Stephen, and more fully in the tranflation of Enoch and Elijah, but above all in the Lord’s transfeuration, and converle after his refurrection, But it is a very hard great work; becaufe the third whole principle in us is eftranged and dead to it, by the very heavy fall.

4th demonftration of the third principle.

It may alfo be obferved, that the love in the light, has its outward figures, and impreffes itfelf in this third principle to the outward fenfes.

1. As in the aftral kingdom, principally in the fun, Jupiter and Venus,

2. Inthe air in the concord of the elements, giving delightful fweet weather.

3- In the fenfitive creatures, as doves, lambs, &c.

4. In harmony of mufical founds and voices of birds.

5. In vegetables, by moft fanative, odoriferous excellent fruits, roots and feeds.

6. In curious colours of flowers, in the fhadows of degrees of light in the oe

7. In