A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos Benmen’s Writings. 85.

7. In minerals, as in gold, filver, copper, and by the tincture giving luftre and virtue to precious ftones and gems.

8. In the feas, in pearl, amber, coral, &c..

So if the outward ‘* heaven fhow the ‘© slory of the Lord, the earth fhows his * handy works.”

¢ H A P. XIV.

How the facrifices fhew the three principles. HE three grand facrifices were, 1. The burnt- offering. 2. The peace-offering. 3. The trefpafs - offering, or fin-offering, unfolding the three-fold. myftery.

The firft grand order of facrifices was the burnt facrifices, which confifted of four kinds, Levit. ii Either, 1. of the herd. 2. Of the Mock. 3. Of fowls: 4. Of the meat-offering > Even fo does the firft principle fhow itfelf in four, and but four forms. But again, the burnt-offering differed from the other two facrifices in three things. 1. That there muft be only a male, Levit, i, 3. the other might as well

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