A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

344 © Confiderations on the Scope

What is not, and what is received in the Lord’s-Supper.

It is not the outward flefh and blood they did eat and drink, for he. did fit with them when they did eat and drink ; thewin g P! tainly that the facramental flefh ood bloo: e is the divine flefh and blood that cae down from heaven.

In this Enoch walked with God, and fed fo cordially on this food, that the food of the third principle would no longer fatisty him; this new wine made the ‘boule new. -This, like the tin@ture that tranfmutes metals, enflamed and iaaflaued his

ore man 5 fo thar ari St ¥ cry ta bird pri nei inle was ivetiowed up by the Gane fecond principle.

By this all the holy men, before Chrift’s incarnation, were nourifhed in their pilgrimage on earth, and by this were pared hore to their nativé couniry.

This ‘* was the rock that followed them ‘* in the wildernefs, for they did eat all “* the fame fpiritual meat, and drink the ** fame fpiritual drink, and that rock was

<*)Chrift,”} 1.Cor. x. 3, 4. This