A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos BenMen’s Writings. 145 This is the tree of life which is angel’s food, and had never returned to be the food of the fallen pofterity of Adam, had not the fecond Adam opened a door in our hearts through which to enter, and given us a mouth to eat it, and receive life and vigour trom it.

Who the heir of all things is not, and who he ts net. ;

The firit born of every creature was heir of all things.

But this is not the only begotten Son: for fo he is the true fecond Perfon ot the Trinity and Lord of all things. But this is the created Son or Word, who is the heir of all things: This is the new man. It is not faid, this is the omnipotent God, «< but his exprefs image;” Heb. 1. 3. the image of the invifible God, Col. i. 15. even that holy heavenly image of God wherein the firft Adam was created, and which on his difobedience difappeared as to him: and as to him was dead, and faid to be the Lamb flain.

This did the only begotten Son of God, the true cond Perfon in the Trinity and Lord of all things, bring with him: and ~
