A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

158 Confiderations on the Scope

lived glorioufly, without knowing the crofs, as do the angels.

But thereftored image grows not but under the crofs. Thus did Abel under the hate of Cain; Enoch and Noah underthe prefiures of the highly wicked old world; Lot underthe filthy Sodomites. And infinitely above all, thus did our Almighty Saviour; whom if we follow, it muf be in deepeft humility, bearing his crofs, which muf be alfo ours, divefting ourfelves of all felf-pleafing, and

whatfoever fallen man calls and thinks to.

be his: for this is the holy foul’s weaning time, when as. heirs.of the faith of Abra

ham, they alfo keep a great feaft, as he did.

at weaning Ifaac. - This feaft is a real feeding on the heaven: ly fleth and bloed of Chrift, a drinking of the living water, that becomes a fpring of water in us to eternal life. It is. a life hid. with Chrift in God, a walking with God, and a putting on the Lord Jefus.Chrift. Ir is the marriage-fupper, the wedding-garment, and a peace pafling the undér{tanding of all except the children that are regenerated ; and to them only known in fuch meafure ordinarily, as they have made progrefs in mortification, and fo grow in the new
