A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos BEuMen’s Writings. 159)

new pure image of God reftored us by Jefus Chrift. . f

For a clofe, let all be warned not to contemn, or defpife, if they underftand not fome things, and fo judge themfelves unworthy of thefe children’s bread..

The reafon why fo few underftand the: holy fcriptures; which yet many often read, is becaufe few give up their wills to obey : and regeneration is the neceffary. qualification to attain true wifdom. .

Hence is it that froma corrupt mind, 7 (though refinedly penetrating) the writings of the blefled Jacob Behmen are. fealed up, and as if dumb;_ from fuch were the very fermons of. the Lord: himfelf (who fo. fpake as never man fpake) hidden.

«© And none of the wicked fhall under‘* ftand, but the wife fhall- underftand,”’ Dan, Xi. 10.