A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

26 Of eternal Neture after

“dom of God.” This birth mut be done within you: the heart, or fon of God muft arife in the birth of your life; and thea the Saviour Chrift is your faithful fhepherd, and ‘+ you are in him, and he in “ you, and all that he and his Father hath, ** is yours. and none fhall pluck you out ** of his hands :” and as the Son (namely, the ‘heart of the Father) is one with the Father; fo alfo thy new man is one in the Father and the Son: one viytue or power, one light, one life, one eternal -Paradife, One eternal heavenly birth or enduring fubftance, one Father; Son,. and Holy Ghoft, and you his child.

13. Does not the Regenerator bid us come to him, and promife that wholoever cometh to him; he will not neject : theres fore why fhould any withftand the {pirit of the manifeftation of the things of God,

“which is God’s: Look upon Chrift’s apo

files, did any other teach them than God, who was in them, and they in him. Then can we fuppofe the heavenly Father will be difpleafed with his children that depend upon him, enquire after him, would fain learn to know him, would labour in his works, and do his will. O fly from anti-
