A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of - Lucifer. 27

chrift, and remember it is written, ‘¢ The «¢ word is near thee, yea in thy heart, and. “in thy mouth.”

14. I therefore now warn you, that you muft not look upon fleth and blood for thefe things, nor upon the worldly wifdom of fchools and univerfities, but confider. that this divine wifdom is fown and planted by God. himfelf in the firft,. in the laft, and in all men: and you need only to return with the prodigal loft fon to the father, and then he will clothe you with new garment, and put his feal-ring upon the hand of your mind. And in this garment only have we power to fpeak of the divine: birth.

15. For if you have not gotten this garment, and will prattle and talk of God). then you are a thief and a murderer, for you enter not into the fheepfold of Chrift by the door, but you climb over isto the fheepfold with antichrift, and. you will do: nothing but murder and fteal, feek your own piealure, reputation, and efteem, with ¢

men, and be far from-the kingdom of ~

God. Your univerfiry learning, and arts,

will avail you nothing: it is your poifon _

that you are promoted by the favour of } man