A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

28 Of eternal Nature after

man to fit in authority, for you are but a meer fervant of the antichrift; but if you be new born, and taught by the Holy Ghoft, then your office is very pleafing and acceptable to God, your fheep will hear your voice, you fhall feed them and bring them to the chief Shepherd : God will require this at your hands, therefore take heed, all you minifters, what you teach, and fpeak of God, without the knowledge of his Spirit, that you be not found liars.

16. Underftand and confider it aright, O man: God the Father made man: the beginning of whofe body is out of the one elementor root, from whence the four elements proceed ; which clement is the quinteffence, from whence the dark chaos upon the fall of Lucifer had its being, before the times of this earth; whofe original is the {pring of water, and out ef which this world, with the ftars and elements, as alfo the heaven of the third principle, was created. thee

17. But the foul was breathed into man, meerly out ot the Father by the moving Spirit [underftand the Holy Ghoft which goes forth from the Father, out of the
