A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of Lucifer. 29

light of the Father] which original birth is in the four anguifhing properties of fire, out of which the light of God is kindled,

and wherein is the original of ‘the name of God: and therefore the foul is of God’s

own effence.

18. And if the foul oa its thoughts and purpofes in refignation, and goes forward into the light, in mectnels and humility, and does not (as Lucifer did) ufe the ftrong power of its fire, in its qualification, or breathing, then will it be fed by the word of the Lord, and get virtue, power, life and ftrength; in that word which is the heart of God; and its own original ftrong fire, [which is the] fource of the birth of eternal life, will become paradifical, exceeding pleafant, friendly, humble, and fweet, wherein the fountain of rejoicing in the eternal fongs of praiie fprings up, and it becomes an angel and a child of God; beholds the ay, generating of the indiffoluble band ; and nas ability to fpeak thereof, fo far as its own effence or fubftance, but not of the infinite senerating, for that has neither beginning nor end.

19. But