A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

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19. But if the foul elevates jrfeif back into the four Propertiés, or forms in the Original of the fire, and will continualiy work in, and horribly breath forth pride, as the breath goes in and out for the preferving of life, and knowing itfelf powerful, become a devil and fly above God Then will its ftate be like Lucifer’s, who with his legions had this 0; iginal, and they out of pride would live in the fierce wrath of the fire, and fy they perifhed and remained devils in their own working quality, which is their hell.

20. If you lift up your thoughts and minds, and ride upon the chariot of the foul, (as is before mentioned) and look upon yourfelf, and all creatures, and confider how the birth of life in you takes irs original, and what the light of your life is, whereby you can behold the fun, and alfo look with your imagination beyond the fun into a vaft fpace to which the eyes of your body cannot reach: and then confider what the caufe might be that you are more rational than the other creatures, feeing you can, by the operations of your mind, fearch into every thing: You will,
