A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of Lucifer. 3I

if you be born of God, attain to what God and the eternal birth is; for you will fee, feel, and find, that all creation mult yet have a higher root, from whence it proceeded, which is not vifible, but hidden. Now if you farther confider what preferv-

eth all thus, and whence it is: than you ~~~

will find the Eternal that has no beginning, the Original of the eternal principle, namely, the eternal, indiffoluble band of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And then, fecondly, you will fee the feparation ; in that the material world, with the ftars and elements, are out of the firft principle of creation, which contains the outward and third principle of this world: For you will find in the elementary kingdom or dominion, a caufe in every thing wherefore it generates and moves as it does: but you will not find the firft caufe from whence it is fo: and that therefore there muft be two feveral principles, for you find in the vifible things a corruptibility, and perceive that they muft have a beginning, becaufe they have an end, and thefe two principles

are the firft and third. 21. You find in ail things .a glorious power and virtue, which is the life growing and