A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Fall of Lucifer. 35

247. But what do you think was before the times of the creating of this world? For out of that proceeded the root of this earth and ftones, as alfo the ftars and elements: But of what confifts the root? you will find therein nothing elfe but bitternefs, harfhnefs, aftringent fournefs and fire, and thefe are but one thing, namely, the pure eternal element, and from which all outward natural things were generated aiter the fall of Lucifer; for, before his fall, there was but one pure element. Now in thefe forms you cannot find God: the pure Deity being incomprehenfible, unperceivable, almighty, and all powerful : Where is it then men may find God ?

28. Here open your noble mind, and fearch further. For feeing God is only good, from whence comes the evil? And feeing alfo that he alone is the life, and the. light, and the holy power, as is undeniably true: from whence comes the anger of God? from whence comes the devil, and his evil will? and from whence has hell fire its original? Seeing there was nothing before God manifefted himfelf in creation, but only God, who was, and is a fpirit, and continues fo in eternity. From
