A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

36 Of eternal Nature after

whence then is the firft matter of evil ? here blind reafon gives this judgment, that there muft needs have been in the fpirit of od, a will to generate the fource and fountain of anger, and evil.

29. But the feripture fays, the devil was created a holy angel; and it further fays, ** Thou art not a God that wills “* evil;” and, by Ezekiel, God declares, ¢¢ that as fre as he lives, he wills not the <¢ death of a finner:” and this is teftified by Goa’s earneft and fevere punifhing of the devil, and of all finners, that he is not pleafed with death.

go. What then is the firft matter of evil in the devil ? and what moved him to anger? feeing he was created out of the original eternal Spirit of God? or from whence is the original of evil, and of hell, wherein the devils fhall remain for ever, when this world, with the ftars, elements, earth, and ftones, fhall perifh in the end of time.

31. Beloved Reader, open the eyes of your mind here, and know; that no other anguifh, or fource of punifhment, will {pring up in Lucifer than his own quality, or working property: for that is his hell
