A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

52 The Creation of Angels, and of Lucifer,

Lord, and therein he fhould have continued:aniangel of light..

5- But he faw his own great beauty and glory, and that he was.a prince ftanding in the firft principle, and in his-own defire went into the centre, and would himfelf be God: he defpifed the birth of the Son and heart of God, and the foft and very lovely influence, working and qualification thereof: He entered with his will into SELF, and meant to be a very potent and terrible Lord in the firft principle, and: would work in the ftrength of the fire, in the centre of nature ;. he therefore could ne longer be fed from the word of the Lord, and fo his. light went out by the heart or Son of God departing from him; for thereby the fecond principle was. fhut up to him: and prefently he: became loathfome in Paradife, and was caft out with all his legions that ftuck to and. depended upon him.

6. And fo he loft God, the kingdom of heaven, and all paradifical. knowledge, pleafure,.and joy ; he alfo prefently loft the image of God, and the confirmation of the Holy Ghoft: For becaufe he defpifed the fecond principle, wherein he was an angel
