A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Deferibing what be then was, and now is. 5%

in him; fo that there might be an eternal {port of love, in the centre of the multiplying of the pure eternal nature in the indiffoluble eternal band. -

3. But this fport of love was fpoiled by Lucifer himfelf, who is fo called, becaufeof the extinguifhment of the light of the Son of God in him, and his being caft out: of his throne.

Defcribing what he then was, and alfo as. he now is.

4. He was the moft glorious prince in: heaven, and king over many legions of angels, and had he introduced his will into the divine meeknefs, and the light of the Son of God, and continued in the harmony wherein God had created him; then he would have ftood,. and nothing. could have caft him out of the light. For he, as well as the other angels, was created of the pure eternal nature: out of the indiffoluble band, and ftood in- the firft Paradife. He felt and faw the generation of the holy Deity in the birth of the fecond principle, namely, of the heart or Son of God, and the outflowing of the Holy Ghoft: his food was of the word of the
