A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

50 The Creation of Angels, and of Lucifer,

prefervation, and to keep their image clear and light; even as the heart or Son of God in the fecond principle, manifefts and enlightens the Father, namely, the firft principle ; and in thofe two principles the divine power, the pure element, paradife ;: and kingdom of heaven fpring up.

2, Thus it is with thofe angels that continued in the kingdom of heaven in the firft paradife 5. they ftand in the firft principle in the indiffoluble band, enlightened: by the Son in the fecond principle ; their: food is the divine word; and their thoughts. and mind is in the will of the Trinity in the Deity. The confirming: and eftablifhing of their life, will, and doings, is the power of the Holy Ghoft: whatever the Holy Spirit does in the generating of Paradile, and the holy wonders, the angels rejoice at,. and fing the joyful Hallelujahs of Paradife concerning the pleafant faving and eternal birth. All they do is an. increafe of their heavenly joy, delight, and pleafure in the heart or Son of God: and they fport in holy obedience in the will of the eternal Father: and to this end their God created them, that he might be manifefted, and rejoice in. his creatures, and his creatures
