A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Creation of the material World. 59

Wifdom has wrought in the eternal inanimate genetrix, which, in her own property {and until the original light becomes manifefted therein] is without perception. and by the fame operation came the dark chaos, when the light of God departed from Lucifer, in the elevation of himfelf, and the fiercenefs of the fource of the fire was kindled, and the creating of the third principle thereupon followed; and he was fhut up therein as a prifoner, Although we are to know he had his royal feat in the place of this world: and therefore Chrift calls him a prince of this world, but it is in the kingdom of darknefs, in the place of the firft principle of this world.

7. When God moved himfelf to create, it was in the firft principle, with its dark, harfh, bitter, fiery property, but altogether hidden by the light or Son of God, which from eternity preferved it, and kept it pleafant, clear and bright; and when he created the angels, he created them out of the indiffoluble band in Paradife, in the light holy matrix, which is no other than the firft and fecond principles united, and the angels were bodified from the moving Spirit of God.

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