A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

60 Of the third Principles or,

8. Now when God had created great potent princely angels in the fourth form,where the fource of fire has its original; Lucifer and his legions ftood not in refignation, neither did they caft their imaginations forward into the fifth form of the light of the love of God, wherein the fprouting forth of Paradife confifts; but they caft their imaginations back into themfelves,. and formed or created a will or purpofe to domineer in the fire, over the light of God and Paradife. For the fiery matrix [which feparated from the light is the abyfs of hell] was moved fo hard that Lucifer, {that great prince] has formed his will out of it, and is continued therein, fuppofing that he fhould be a great and terrible Lord in his whole place or dominion.

-g. Thus the devil moved the matrix, and the four fiery forms of nature in oppofition to the fifth form, wherein the meek and clear light, the pleafant fource of love {prings up, and wherein the fecond principle ftands: For God feeing that the great prince Lucifer would domineer in the matrix, in the ftrength of the fire, in his place or dominion, he therefore fhut up the fifth
