A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Creation of the material World. 61%

form from him, for his place and dominion could no longer ftand in the heavenly Paradife.

10. When this ftorm was in the firft principle, the matrix became much impregnated and kindled: and every form in the matrix wrought and acted. But becaufe the anger and the wrath was there elevated, and that the place or dominion of Lucifer could not fubfift in the heavenly Paradife ; therefore God moved this place yet more, and the fourth form ftood in the flath of fire which refleéted back and found the fpirit of God [in the forming or creation of the third principle]; and in a moment loft its wrathful fierce property, and became white, clear, and light; and in this ftands the word by which God created heaven and earth: for before the word fpake, the third principle was not manifefted.

11. That God created heaven and earth and all things therein in fix days, as Mofes lays; is the greateft myftery, wholly hidden to the reafon of the external man: tor there is neither night, morning, or evening, in the pure eternal element, but a

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