A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

‘his World in the third Principle. 7%

the compaétion of the earth, that is likewife in the aftrum or conftellation, and they belong both together as body and foul: the aftrum or conftellation betokens the fpirit, and the earth the body.

16. Before the fall of Lucifer and creation of this world, all was mutually in each other in the eternal generation in the pure eternal element, as a powertul wreftling love play, without any fuch: material fub{tance, coagulation, or creatures.

17. But upon Lucifer’s apoftacy all the’ properties were kindled in the motion of the word, and therewith: by the inflammation in the falnitral flagrat ; each property. did divide itfelf in irfelf; and was amaffed by the awakened aftringent impreffion (namely, the firft form in nature, which is called the Fiat) and fo each became coagulated in its property; the fubtile and pure in its property, and the orofs in its property; ail according to the degrees; as the eternal generation of nature derives itfelf from the unity into the infinite multiplicity. a

18.. Good and evil is manifeft in the aftrum or conftellation: for the wrathful fiery power of the eternal nature, fo alfo,.

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