A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

72 Of the Separation in the Creation of

the power of the holy fpiritual world, is manifeft in the ftars, as an effential fpiration: and therefore there are many light ftars which we fee, and many obfcure ftars which we do not fee, of which we have a likenefs in the matter of the earth, which is fo manifold: Whence divers forts otf fruit grow, each according to the properties of the fuperior fpheres: for the earth being the groffeft fubftance, the mortal water is coagulated therein.

1g. The Being of all beings is the one ‘God: And all creation is deriving out of “one only, into infinitenefs: and the infinite is time and eternity, and the manifeftation of the ones; where each thing may be recuced out of one into many; and again out of many into one.

20. The effence of this world may be “fearched out, but the centre or point of motion will remain dark unto reafon, and be unknown, unlefs there be another light given. Reafon fuppofes it has it, and can mathematically deferibe,. demonftrate, and meafure it; but it has it not in the outward underftanding.

at. The fire is the chief work mafter in nature, which puts forth from a {mall
