A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

74 Of the Separation in the Creation of

of the life and motion of all the powers; and without it ali would be in the ftillnefs or eterna! filence, without motion.

24. We fee in very deed; that the light is the only caufe of al] ftirring, motion, and life: for every life defires the power of the light: namely, the difclofed punctum : and yet the life is not the punctum; but the form of nature: and if this punctum did not ftand open, then the kingdom of darknefs would be manifeft in the place of this world; and in that darknefs [the place of wrath] Lucifer is a prince, and poffeffes the throne in the wrath of the eternal nature.

25. Therefore, O man; confider with thyfelf, where thou art :: namely; on one part, [that is thy body and outward carcals of clay,- thou art a gueft for awhile in this outward world, travelling in the vanity of time] under the influences of the ftars, and four elements :- Qne other part; {namely, thy. foul in its-own felf and creaturely being: that is, in its fallen ftate; without the divine light or regeneration | in the dark world among the devils; and as to the third part, (namely, thy divine image and fpirit of love, in the cternal
