A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained


This World in the third Principle. 75

light] in the divine power in heaven: that property which is mafter in thee, its. fervant thou art: prank and vapour as ftately and glorioufly as thou wilt in the fun’s light, yet thy fountain fhall be made manifeft to. thee.

26. By the two words Heaven and Earta we underftand, in the language of nature, the whole ground of the creation; for by the word Heaven is underftood how the water, namely, the grofinefs in the mortal part, was coagulated, and feparated from the holy chryftalline water, which is fpiritual; where with the material, time began; as an effence exprefied, or {pirated out of the fpiritual water. The {piritual water is living, and the fpirated is lifelefs, ferfelefs, void of underftanding, and is dead in reference to-the living water, of which Mofes fays, God hath. feparated it from the water above the firmament. 27. The firmament is another beginning, or inchoation of motion: the water above the firmament is the fpirirual water, in which the Spirit of God rules and works: for Mofes fays alfo, the Spirit of God moves upon the water; for the fpiri-
