A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

76 Of the Separation in the Creation of

tual pure eternal element moves in the four elements; and in the {piritual element the Spirit of God moves on the {piritual water: they are mutuaily in each other. 28. The heaven wherein God dwells is the holy element: and the firmament, or the gulf between God and the four elements, is the death; for the inward heaven has another birth, [that is, another lite] than the elementary life has: indeed they are in one another, but the one does not apprehend the other: albeit they refemble each other, [as filver and tin, &c.] and have very near affinity to each others. yet they are as the inward and outward water to one another; wherein alfo they are: to be under{tood :. they are ftep fifters; each is from another principle to. the other; indeed they come from one father, but they have two mothers ;. the one. whereof is a virgin, the other defoured ;. and therefore they are feparated un:il the Judgment of

God, who will purge away the reproach .

and fhame of this world through the fire.

29. When nature was inkindled, the one pure element did unfold and difplay jtfelf, into four properties, yet in itflf is only

one, .