A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

78 Of the Separation in the Creation of

whereby the inferior does aét, move and work.

gt. Thus we underftand what the outward heaven is, namely, the powers or conception of the water. The Word or power Fiat, which began with the beginning of this world, is ftill in the creating ; it yet continually creates the heaven out of ‘the water: and the Spirit of God {till moves upon the water: and the holy water is yet continually teparated from the water under the firmament.

32. This holy water is that, of which Chrift told us, that ‘* he would give us “at to drink: that fhould fpring up in **-us to a fountain of eternal life:” the holy heavenly corporaliry coes confift therein; it is the body of Chrift whichfhe brought from heaven ; and by the f.me introduced heavenly paradifical eflentiality, into our dead or decayed body; and quickened ours in his; underftand in the mark or limit of the covenant in the efience of Mary.

33. In this heavenly effence the baptifm, and the fupper of the Lord do confit: for this holy effence of the heavenly holy virginity, with the holy tinéture, has
