A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of the Myjftery of the Creation. 83

ficknefs, corruption, and death arifes, and one fevereth from the other. And without. this underftanding let none call himielf mafter jor learned) in nature.

6. The fiderial body is the higheft, except the divine, in man: for the elemental body is only its fervant or dwelling houfe, as the four elements are only a body or habitation of the dominion of the ftars.

7. The elemental fpirit and body; is inanimate and void of underftanding: it has only luft and defire in it: vegetation is its right life: for the air [or breath] has no underftanding without the aftrum ; the aftrum gives the diftiné@. underftanding of all effences in the elements: the fiderial body dwells in the elemental; as the light world in the darknels: and it is the fiderial fpirit from the aftrum principle, that gives reaton, and is the true rational life; but it has no right divine apprehenfion, ner conception of fpiritual things, It is the inward light, and power of the light, that gives in man the right divine under{tanding. 8. The whole aftrum is nothing elfe but the external expreffed word in the found:
