A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

86 Of the Myftery of the Creation.

with his eternal fpeaking Word [which he is himfelf] and formed the external as a type of the internal: ix him all thirgs live and move, each inits principle, and degree.

15. The outward properties dwell in themfelves in the external, namely, in the expreffed word, and are wholly external: they cannot in their own ftrength reach the powers of the holy world : only the holy world penetrates them. That dwells alfo in itfelf: but.in the punétum of fol the eternal nature is open, and is the eighth number : the eternal magical fire, and in the fire the eternal tincture, is the ninth number: And in the crofs, in the tincture, where the deity manifcfts himfelf, is the tenth number: and beyond this mianifcftation is the eternal underftanding: namely, THE ONE, that is, GOD JEHOVAH.

16. Not that God is divided, for far of} only we fpeak of his manifeftation : From what power the fun bas its foining lufire: And that the power is immuiable, /o long

as time endureth. 17. For its luftre or fhining light, has

a degree of a more deep original than the external world has manifefted in it: this , the