A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of the Myftery of the Creation. 85

11. And this fiderial fpirit is the foul of the great world which depends on punctum folis; and receives its light and life frony it: and as all the itars do take light and power from the fun ; fo do they likewile take their fpirit.

12. The fun is the centre of the aftrum: and the earth the centre of the four elements: they are to one another as fpirit and body ; oras man and wife. The aftrum notwithftanding has another wife, where it hatches its effence, namely, the moon, which is the wife of all the ftars , but efpecially of the fun; I mean in the effence of operation.

13. Not that the aftrum is wholly arifen from the punétum of fol; but in that I call ic the centre of the ftars, I mean, it is the centre of the powers: the caufe that the powers of the ftars do act in the effence: it opens their powers, and gives its power into them; as a heart of the powers: they mutually rejoice in its effence, and are moved’ to defire and aét in its effence. 14. And even, here lies the great myftery of the creation, mamely, that the internal {thar is God} has thus manifefted himfelf

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