A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

90 Of the Difference of the

ritual body of the holy pure element] and the Jight’s breath, is the true underftand~ ing {pirit of zne foul : And out of the outward zrial world [underftand out of the third principle, where the air fpirit has domiinion] and the outward air breath, is the rational power wherewith man rules over all the creatures of this world; and is the rational foul in the vegetative beftial life.

6. And the foul, in its real life and underftanding, confifts in three kingdoms. The firft is the potent might of eternity, the dark and fire world, the centre of eternal nature, according to which God calls himfelf ** a ftrong zealous angry “¢ God and confuming fire :” [and in which the devil has wholly plunged and diabolized himfelf. ]

The fecond is the holy light world, where the eternal underftanding has difplayed itfelf through the fire’s fharpnels, in the light of the great fiery love defire, and turned the wrathful dark and fiery property, to a kingdom of joy; which is the true manifeftation of the Deity; and is
