A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Heavenly and earthly Man. gt

called the holy heaven of the angelical delight and blifs.

Fhe third kingdom or world, is the outward aftral and elemental kingdom, namely, the air with its domineering conftellation; out of which conftellation the five fenfes take their original, and wherein the vegetable and reafonable life confilts : this is the rational power, and the animal or beftial foul which rules over all that is of this world.

7. And yet there is but only one foul, ftanding in three principles; namely, in the kingdom of God’s anger: in the kingdom of God’s love: and in the kingdom of this world. And if this were not, then it could not be faid, the foul went into heaven or hell, if heaven or hell were not in it. When the air, namely, the outward kingdom of time doth leave it, then is the foul manifeft either in the dark fire kingdom of God; or in the holy kingdom of light in the love-fire of the power of God; whereunto it has given up itlelf in this life time, there it ftands when the. outward life leaves it.

8. And a judgment will pafs upon it, if it departs out of that order wherein God

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