A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

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introduced it in the beginning: If it goes out of the divine harmony, out of the order of the manifeited word of God’s power : and in its own power and liberty does manifeft or produce another will in itfelf of other properties, out of the ftrong might of the eternal nature.

g. The whole man with body and foul, is three-fold; and yet but one only man: the body is out of a three-fold effence: and the foul is cut of a three-fold property of the fpirit. You have an example thereof in the fire, light, and air: the fire has another property than the light and air have; the fiery body is the eternal conftellation, namely, the great myftery, out of which the outward conftellation was produced, and brought into a creatural being. ‘yo. When we confider the image of God, which God created in Paradife unto the eternal incorruptible life, then we can in no wife fay of the grofs ficlhly image, that the grofs property of the earthlinefs is the image of God, which can pofitfs the holy word: for it is not of the fame effence and ens; whereof Chritt fpeaks, ¢ The Spiit is life; the flefh profiteth no-

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