A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained
48 What kind of Principle eternal Nature is.
| © proceeds.” We conclude therefore that light, fire, darknefs, &c. are not in God, nor do they immediately proceed trom kim, for if they did, we might then know what God’s nature and effence is, namely, that it is light, fire, darknefs, &c.
Anfw. 4. Eternal Nature is a diftin®
effence from the divine chaos out of which it was created by God: which appears, - Firft, Becaufe that which is brought forth differs, and is diftinét from that which brought # forth, as the fruit is diftinét from the tree, the fon from his fas ther ; wherefore eternal Nature being created out of the divine chaos muft needs be aiftinct from it.
Secondly, Eternal Nature is diftiné from the divine chaos, becaufeineternal Nature the elements and the working powers of nature are eftentially and actually ; whereas in the divine chaos they are only potentially and remotely.
Thirdly, ‘In eternal Nature there is © order and diftinétion; there we find the © four eternal elements, and feven working © forms of nature; whereas in the divine © chaos all things lie hid without any or-
© der or diftinction; and therefore this © principle