Assyrian texts : being extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-bani-pal. : with philological notes : by E. A. Budge


The account of this war is given by the following texts: K, 2802; K, 3096; K, 562; W.AL.L,, iti. 23, line 97, to W.A.T,, ili. 25, line 114; W.A.T,, iti. 34, line 87 to col. 8, line 57. The text given below is from kK, 2802, col. 2.

The name Assur-bani-pal means “Assur creates a son.”, LINE I. say, sub. masc. sing. cons. Heb, W. mat or mada, “land,” from Accadian ma with da, Accadian individualising affix. Borrowed by Arameans from Accadians under the form of xno. See Sayce, Assyrian Lectures, and W.A.L,, i. 39, 𒄀 ka-ad-vi, the Biblical 112. The country inhabited by the descendants of Ishmael (Gen. xxv. 13, Cant. i. 5). The Rabbins call all the Arabians universally by this name (Gesenius). 2. sa, rel. pron., identical with later Heb. ¥ in Canticles, Judges, and Ecclesiastes (Sayce, Grammar, p. 45). cima, prep. Heb. ¥3. sasu-va, demons. pron. with enclitic va, “and.” wcuru, 3rd sing. aor. Kal. Heb, 123. The aorist in w generally denotes a perfect or pluperfect action (Sayce, Grammar, Triibner, p. 55). 3. tkhtanabbatu, 3rd sing. masc. Iphtanaal. Heb, 037. khubat, noun, derived from above root, “spoil.” Mar-tu-ci, the Accadian name of Syria. In 𒇺𒉩𒇲𒁽𒁀𒌓𒑚 𒂗𒋙 50, 57, equated with the Semitic a-kharri-e, “the land which is dehend.” Comp. Heb, TR, 4. ardant, subs. plu. masc. The ideograph is explained by av-du, “a servant,” or “tributary.” Heb. 77], “to subdue,” hence “ one subdued.” dagi, from dagalu, “to trust upon,’ depending. Part. Kal. pan-ya, “before me.”

* Contraction for Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, iy. References are made to the Second Edition of Prof. Sayce’s Grammar.