Assyrian texts : being extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-bani-pal. : with philological notes : by E. A. Budge





. tusacnisa, 2nd sing. aor. Shaph., “thou hast caused to submit.”

sepa, “feet.” Dual.

. 27a, prep., “in.” Comp. Heb. WW, “in,” “because.”

zur, derivative from zacaru, “to remember.” Heb. i, sumi-ya, “my name;” sumz = Heb, dw. usarou, 3rd sing. aor. (telic), Shaph. Heb, 729.

𒇲 𒁓 𒃭 𒄑

mist, “men.” Comp. Heb. wir.

. lapan, “ from 𒀯 compound prep. Comp. Heb. 𒊩

danan, “ power,” “might.” znnabtint, 3rd plu. masc. pluper. Niph.

. utsaboit, 1st sing. aor. Pael. Comp. Arab. 223

kata, subs. dual, “ the two hands.” Targum ROR. Aram. |A5, ‘‘a handle.”

. kasritu, 𒄿𒋗 𒋗𒋗𒀀 Comp. Heb. WP, “to bind.”

AN-BAR, “iron.” The syllabaries 𒌑𒌑 this by farzllu. Chald. 279 . Heb. 273.

𒋔 1st sing. aor. Kal, “1 placed him;” ada is for and? » Sw, pronoun, and va, the enclitic, from root 77).

. ura, “1 drove.” Comp. Heb. m7,

Assur, name of the country of Assyria, the last sign in the line is the D.A. for “land.”

. For first sign see page 48, Sayce, Assyrian Grammar, D.P. for “woman.”

Adiya, name of Arabian queen. A variant gives A-d7-e. sar-rat, queen, subs. cons. fem. Comp. Heb. 7. Arii, Arabia. Old Test, 2.

. a@icta-sa, “her host,” or fighters. Comp. Heb. 395, “to slay.”

mihas su, for mahadsu, “its multitude.” Heb. WD, ad duc,“ 1 slew.” Comp. Heb. 39s.

. sirtarve-sa, “her tent.” Heb, 7, “to spread out,” hence a thing spread

out, ora tent. A variant text gives E zIn-Na, “ desert house.” GIS-BAR = tall, W.A.L,, ii. 5. Heb. WX, “fire.” acmu or acva, “1 burnt.” rst sing. aor. Kal. Comp. Heb. M3, “to burn.” Concerning the use of 7 or v see Prof. Sayce, Assyrian Lectures, p. 45.

. paldhussa for paldhut-sa, “her life.”