Bhagavad-Gítá or the sacred lay ; a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna on divine matters : an episode from the Mahabharata, стр. 12
Such are the principal corrections and conjectures introduced with much reason by the learned editors of Bonn.
The followimg are the poimts of difference between the present Edition and that of Bonn, 1846 :—
Chap. L., shl. 37: खवान्धवान. ° सवान्धवान - This reading is only supported by the Calcutta Edition of the Mahabharata, and No. 5 of the London MSS.; but it appears to me to suit the sense far better, and to be confirmed ॥क ५0९ स्वजनं which immediately follows.
Chap. III., shl. 23: qaq for qqg. This is the common reading found in the Calcutta Edition and that of the Mahabharata, and all the London MSS. Schlegel had adopted qaqa from a conjecture, under the idea that the root @a_was never used in the Parasmai-pada, except in the future conditional and desiderative. Of such use, however, we have another imstance Chap. XV., shl. 4, of our poem, and in the present and first preterite tenses in Mahabharata, I., 4832; III, 14666 and elsewhere, and it may therefore stand. J7de Lassen’s note in the Addenda, pp. 292
Chap. IV., shl. 23: युक्तस्य for सुक्तस्य- This is a conjecture
of my own, and I am not aware that it is supported by any of the